Thursday, 25 October 2012


Once upon a time a Kenyan man named Kenyatta was accused of participating in treason against the country. He could claim, with considerable justice, that his arrest and ultimate detention was fabricated, that he had in fact done a lot to emancipate, emasculate and empower his county from colonialists. Nonetheless, the public understandably wanted to know both how much he loved the country  and what vision he had for the country; he obliged by releasing extensive information about his struggle for independence.
But that was 50 years ago. And the contrast between Jomo Kenyatta and his son Uhuru — a contrast both in their political careers and in their willingness to come clean about their crimes — dramatically illustrates how the Kenyan political landscape has changed.
Right now there’s a lot of ruffled feathers and buzz about the visit by the ICC Chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, who is leading prosecutions against the younger Kenyatta who has been accused of heinous crimes against humanity. Let’s talk about what it meant to be charged with a criminal offence during Jomo Kenyatta’s Kenya, and how it compares with the situation today.
Which ‘crimes’ did Jomo Kenyatta commit? The answer is a no-brainer: he was indicted with five others on the charges of ‘managing and being a member’ of the Mau Mau society which was a radical anti-colonial movement. The defense, led by British barrister D.N Pritt, argued that the white settlers were trying to scapegoat Kenyatta and that there was no evidence tying him to the Mau Mau.
While contemporary opinion linked Kenyatta with the Mau Mau, historians have questioned his alleged leadership of the freedom movement. At a time when Dedan Kimathi, General China and the other Mau Mau fighters were busy waging guerilla war against the colonial government in the forest, he was busy marrying the daughters of colonial chief’s.  This fact is also attested by his dismissal and scant treatment of Mau Mau fighters after he came to power coupled with the fact that after independence his allies were mainly former colonial collaborators. Was he a project and stooge of the British colonialists? Was he a bootlicker? Was he a turncoat revolutionary?
Upon his ascendency to power he pursued a moderate pro-western, anti-communist economic philosophy and foreign policy. He helped stabilize Kenya with the help of the British but his reign was bequeathed with a score of myriad litanies which continue to haunt our country and threaten our existence as a people.
Kenyatta ruled with an iron fist. He made himself rich amassing large tracts of land; encouraged the culture of wealth accumulation by public officials using the power and influence of their offices; unfairly resettled his kikuyu tribesmen in rift-valley province.
And he fought very gallantly to consolidate his position by amending the constitution to expand his executive powers thus ruling through a clique of his relatives who plundered the country’s resources to become the most powerful and wealthiest. It is this clique that has been blocking reforms, change and ultimate liberation of the country in order to continue bleeding the country to death.
I may not have the brains of Archimedes or Pythagoras but I can’t fail to figure out that 1 + 1=2. The candidature of the younger Kenyatta is that of self-preservation and maintaining of the statuesque. My gut feeling is that Uhuru is keener on protecting his fathers’ name and wealth than acknowledging his failed policies. Surely nobody expects him to bite the hand that fed him by reprimanding the unbridled atrocities committed by his father. Is he scoring an own goal when he says that he will address historical injustices mostly land alienation? Yet he is the major beneficiary. My crystal ball tells me that Uhuru will govern the same way his father did and go even a step further, that’s my clairvoyance.
The rich vultures are circling in on Uhuru’s candidature to protect the haves from the have-nots...most of the Kenyan people. He is on record suggesting that the charges of crimes against humanity he is facing at the ICC are politically instigated by western forces, is that really true?  My cue, it’s not my call; its Bensouda’s and the ICC’s… May justice be served.
The main thing that we have to worry about with a potential President Uhuru is that Uhuru seems to have almost a psychopathic obsession with accumulating money. It's like he's some kind of addict, chasing quarters in the gutter. All the offshore accounts; the bizarrely 80 million lost in a briefcase at the airport which he had withdrawn from his Swiss accounts fearing that they might frozen. That’s just the icing on the cake. The infamous kshs. 10 billion budget error, it’s one thing to flip flop about the ICC but attributing a budget that is scrutinized by top ministry of finance technocrats to a computer error is sheer malice and taking Kenyans for imbeciles. To add salt to injury, that same year it emerged that the ministry of finance had under reported the tax collected by KRA by kshs. 105 billion, KRA backed this by showing records of what it had collected the previous year and remittances to the finance ministry. Uhuru has remained tight lipped up to now and the issue still leaves black holes. It is also in the public gallery that uhuru necessitated the transfer of Prof. Sam Ongeri from the ministry of Education to that of Foreign Affairs after Ongeri confronted him about the ksh4.6 billion which disappeared before reaching the ministry of Education. What about the errors amounting to kshs. 89 billion cited by mars group?
What are his track records? Where are his priorities? What does he envision and present? Is he really the change we want? Is he a re-incarnation of Jomo?  I have no doubt that he would sell out this country in a heartbeat if he could barter it for a few dollars more.
Uhuru has taught Kenyans a viable lesson the hard way; that life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain. Any middle-class Kenyan who votes for this nice but dishonest multi-millionaire votes against their own interest. And that's the truth!

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